Virtual Trade Show
2021 Recap

2021 Virtual
Trade Show

The 2021 version of the Re•think Virtual Travel Trade Show was even more successful than the first. We had even more travel buyers, vendors, suppliers and media making more connections and doing more business. Once again, a big note of gratitude to all participants.

Facts & Figures

Keynote Speakers
Buyers & Media
Confirmed Meetings
Messages Exchanged
Minutes of Meeting Time
Very Satisfied
Report Show helped establish new business
Would Participate Again



Awaze Tours
Adventure Consults
African Adventure Specialists
Amazing Africa Tours
Cheli & Peacock Safaris
Classic Journeys Africa Ltd
Cousine Island
East Africa Camps
Eden Bleu Hotel Seychelles
Fancourt South Africa
Foxes Safari Camps
Grootbos Private Nature Reserve
Heritage Hotels Ltd.
Hornbill Treks and Safaris
Indigo Safaris
Kagera Safaris
Kantabile Afrika
Kazinga Tours
Kenya Airways
Kingfisher Journeys
Kuza Cave
L'Escale Resort Marina & Spa
Minor Hotels Southern Africa
Nziza Hospitality
Rwanda Eco Company
Sawa Sawa Africa

Southern Cross Safaris
Tanzania Safari Bug
Tribe Hotel


Amazonas Explorer
Andean Travel Company
Bolivia Milenaria
Canyon Madness Ranch
Chile Nativo Travel
Chile Concept
Colombian Journeys
Condor Travel
Costa Rica Sun Tours
Enchanted Expeditions
Enigma Peru
Grand Hotels Lux
Integrity Galapagos
LATAM Airlines
Metropolitan Touring Peru
Napo Wildlife Center
Pure Brasil
Pure Travel Group
Sumaq Machu Picchu Hotel

Tanit Trails
Via Natura
Via Venture
Wanderlust Expediciones
Where Next Travel


Encounters Asia
Into Japan Specialist Tours
Last Frontiers Trekking
Path DMC
Wildlife & Experiential Journeys


Adams & Butler
Carole Baden Hotels
Clark Kotula Representation
Cobblestone Freeway Tours
Graham International
Wanderlust Portfolio
Wanderlux Collection
Oceanwide Expeditions
Quark Expeditions


50 Degrees North
Eastern Europe Tours
Georgian Travel Group
Iceland ProCruises
Iceland ProTravel
Italy Charme
Journey 2 Croatia
Secret Dalmatia
Travel Exchange
Travel Tailors
Unforgettable Croatia
Valesa Cultural Services


Cultural Cuba
Custom Latin Travel

Keynote Videos

Opening Session Re•think Travel Marketing
Uplifting Communities Through Tourism
EcoTraining is Bringing the Wilderness to You
Mixology Lesson & Cooking Class Sumaq Machu Picchu
How Seychelles Became One of the First Countries to Recover from COVID 19
The Best Outdoor Experiences in Latin America
How to Drink the Oldest Spirit in the New World
Protecting Mountain Gorillas through Responsible Tourism
Contiki and a Sustainable Future
Yoga Lesson
Closing Session Re•think Travel Marketing
On the Road Again Staying Safe in a New World
Covid, Tourism, Livelihoods & Conservation
How to Drink the Oldest Spirit in the New World
Uplifting Communities Through Tourism
Covid, Tourism, Livelihoods & Conservation
On the Road Again Staying Safe in a New World
Opening Session Re•think Travel Marketing
Yoga Lesson
Protecting Mountain Gorillas through Responsible Tourism
Contiki and a Sustainable Future
EcoTraining is Bringing the Wilderness to You
Mixology Lesson & Cooking Class Sumaq Machu Picchu
Closing Session Re•think Travel Marketing
How Seychelles Became One of the First Countries to Recover from COVID 19
The Best Outdoor Experiences in Latin America

Virtual Trade Show
2020 Recap

Well, our inaugural Re•think Travel Virtual Trade Show is in the books, and if you go by the numbers, it was an undeniable success.  And we were able to make a $1,500 donation to the Land and Life Foundation. Not bad for four days.

Facts & Figures

Keynote Speakers
Confirmed Meetings
Hours of Meetings
Messages Sent
Donated to the Land & Life Foundation
Very Satisfied
Report Show helped establish new business
Would Participate Again



Absolute Ethiopia Tours
African Travel
Amazing Africa Tours
Anantara Southern Africa
Black Panther Safaris
Bush and Beyond
Cheli &. Peacock Safaris
Eliakim Tour Operation
Heritage Hotels
Hornbill Treks &. Safaris
Kapama Karula
Kenya Airways
Kuza Cave Culture Centre
Sawa Sawa Afriica
Singita Lodges Rwanda
Singita Lodges South
Africa &. Zimbabwe
Singita Lodges Tanzania
Sopa Lodges
Southern Cross Safaris
Sun International
Tanzania Safari Bug
The Elewana Collection
The Victoria Falls Hotel
Uganda Safari Chapter


Andean Travel Company
Association for the Promotion of Tourism to Africa
Baja Expeditions
Bolivia Milenaria
Borello Travel &. Tours
Chile Concept
Chile Nativo Travel
Costa Rica Sun Tours
Cruce Andino I Hotel
Puerto Blest I Hotel Natura Cultural Cuba
El Silencio Lodge &. Spa Enchanted Expeditions
Far Out Trails
Grand Hotels Lux
Guyana Tourism Authority
Hotel Lago Grey
lnara Travel
Jungle Experiences
La Yegua Loca Hotel
Las Torres Patagonia
Latin Trails
Lima Tours
Los Altos Resort

Metropolitan Touring
Peru EcoCamp
Sumaq Machu Picchu Hotel Terranova
Viajes Pacifico
Wanderlust Expediciones Wilderness Explorers
Quark Expeditions
Hotel Plaza San Francisco
Le Reve Hotel Boutique
Ismael Hotel


360° Mongolia
Encounters Asia
Into Japan
Jungle Sutra Wildlife Journeys Kizuna Travel


Adventure International Adventure Portfolio
Carole Baden
Daphne Warner&. Associates Emerging Destinations
The Kusini Collection Wanderlux Collection


50 Degrees North
Adams &. Butler
Celtic Tours World Vacations
Eastern Europe Tours
Georgian National Tourism Administration
Georgian Travel Group
Iceland ProTravel &. Cruises
Prime Findings
Sagres Vacations
Travel Exchange Greece Valesa Cultural Services


"I am so much pleased joining the Re•think travel show. I found it very helpful for our company. I would like to thank the whole team."

Eyerusalem Mulugeta, Eliakim Tours (supplier / vendor)

Keynote Videos

Life’s Best Moments - A Guide to Extended Family Travel
Indigenous Tourism Forum
Harnessing the Power of Infinite Possibility Through Flow Consciousness
Destination Ready – Magical Kenya’s Re•opening
Welcome Session – Structure of the Event
Re•think our Memory Lane
How Covid Recovery is Driving Transformation in Tourism Africa
Re•think Traveling to South America - Why Galapagos and Ecuador Should be at the Top
Re•imagining Travel
Re•thinking Caribbean Travel in the Post COVID Era
The Art of Tracking
Re•think Traveling to Iceland - Why Should I Go
Re•discovering Domestic Travel
Re•think Travel Virtual Trade Show Closing Session
Re•thinking Travel for Gen Y & Gen Z
Relax, and Reality: Putting Risk Communication in the Front Seat
Re•think Wildlife Tourism - Giraffe, the Silent Extinction and the Battle to Save Them
Re•think Travel Virtual Trade Show Closing Session
Re•thinking Travel for Gen Y & Gen Z
Relax, and Reality: Putting Risk Communication in the Front Seat
Re•think Wildlife Tourism - Giraffe, the Silent Extinction and the Battle to Save Them
Re•imagining Travel
Re•thinking Caribbean Travel in the Post COVID Era
The Art of Tracking
Re•think Traveling to Iceland - Why Should I Go
Re•discovering Domestic Travel
Re•think our Memory Lane
How Covid Recovery is Driving Transformation in Tourism Africa
Re•think Traveling to South America - Why Galapagos and Ecuador Should be at the Top
Life’s Best Moments - A Guide to Extended Family Travel
Indigenous Tourism Forum
Harnessing the Power of Infinite Possibility Through Flow Consciousness
Destination Ready – Magical Kenya’s Re•opening
Welcome Session – Structure of the Event

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